Home Warranty vs Homeowners Insurance Policy. . . What’s the Difference?

Home Warranty vs Home Owners Insurance Policy

Home Warranties and Homeowners Insurance Policies are both important ways to reduce the risk and possibly the financial burden of homeownership, but they serve two entirely different purposes.

Do you know whether something is covered by your Home Warranty or Homeowners Insurance Policy in Georgia?  

Home Warranty:

A Home Warranty covers the service, repair and/or replacement of designated systems and standard appliances within your home due to wear and tear or other related issues. Covered systems may include heating, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer/dryer, water heater, etc.

Home Warranties, while they may be valuable, are entirely optional.

Home Warranties last for a predetermined period, usually a year.

Homeowners Insurance:

Homeowners Insurance is a policy that financially protects you, your home and personal belongings after a covered event (like fire, wind, hail, falling object, etc.) causes a loss that is not excluded from your policy.

Homeowners Insurance does not cover wear and tear or lack of maintenance.

Anyone who owns a home should have Homeowners Insurance because it is required by lenders.

Homeowners Insurance. . . To Claim or Not to Claim?

If you have had a loss to your home or personal belongings after a covered event, that is not excluded from your policy, do you know whether to file a Homeowners Insurance Claim in Georgia?

Question 1: Is it a covered event that is not excluded by your policy?

Tip: Review your insurance policy.

Question 2: Does the cost of the repair or replacement exceed your Homeowners Insurance deductible?

Tip: Review your insurance policy.

Question 3: How many Homeowners Insurance claims have you filed in the last 5 years?

Tip: Call your Insurance Agent to discuss and get their professional advice.

Question 4: Will filing a Homeowners Insurance claim raise my premium?

Tip: Call your Insurance Agent to discuss and get their professional advice.

In summary, some homeowners may file Homeowners Insurance claims that are ultimately denied because they believe it is a covered loss when in fact it is not but may be covered by their Home Warranty.

Pro Tip: If you are unsure whether something is covered by your Homeowners Insurance in Georgia or may be covered by a Home Warranty, contact Kristi Flynn.