Car insurance is complicated, and a lot of things can result in damage to your vehicle. Many times, insureds are not sure whether their car insurance covers a loss or not.
Our Analysis

Each insured’s auto insurance policy is different in terms of coverage, limits, and exclusions. You will need to read your own policy to understand specifically what your policy covers. Also, you will be responsible for paying a deductible, and coverage will be subject to your policy limits. Here are some quick answers to common questions we receive. The information below assumes a typical policy with typical coverage, limits, and exclusions and is meant to be a quick reference guide.
Our Actionable Advice

Does my car insurance cover that?
- Someone hit my car. Your auto insurance may help cover the damage to your vehicle if your policy includes collision coverage. Collision coverage typically helps pay to repair your vehicle if it’s hit by another vehicle or object. Your insurance company and the other person’s insurance company will determine whose policy pays for damages.
- My car is flooded. Your auto insurance may help cover the damage to your vehicle due to flooding if your policy includes comprehensive coverage. *Comprehensive coverage typically helps pay to repair your vehicle if it is damaged by something other than a collision, like theft, vandalism, fire, storms, floods, hitting an animal, falling trees, or hail.
- My car is stolen or broken into. Your auto insurance may help cover the damage to your vehicle due to theft or vandalism if your policy includes comprehensive coverage*.
- My car is damaged by a weather event; for example my neighbor’s tree falls on my car. Your auto insurance may help cover the damage to your vehicle due to storms, falling trees, or hail if your policy includes comprehensive coverage*.
- I hit a deer. Your auto insurance may help cover the damage to your vehicle due to hitting an animal if your policy includes comprehensive coverage*.
- Someone else drives my car and has an accident. If you allow someone else to drive your car with your permission and they have an accident, your auto insurance may help cover the damages if your policy includes liability and collision coverage. Insurance follows the car, not the driver.
- I have an accident in a rental car. Does my insurance cover me, or do I need to purchase additional insurance from a rental car company? If you have liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage on your own vehicle, it may extend to a rental car with coverage limitations and deductibles. When in doubt and before you rent, check your policy and contact your agent or insurance company to understand your coverage limits. If you can’t get a clear answer, consider playing it safe and getting additional collision and liability from the rental company.
- My car needs to be towed, and it is unrelated to an accident. Your auto insurance may help cover a tow to your vehicle if you have roadside assistance coverage. Roadside assistance coverage typically provides towing up to a certain distance listed on your policy.
- My car is damaged by another vehicle that is uninsured. Your auto insurance may help cover the damage to your vehicle if your policy includes uninsured motorist (UIM) coverage. UIM coverage typically helps pay to repair your vehicle if the other driver is uninsured or fled the scene of an accident.
The Big Takeaway

Kristi, our Home and Auto Insurance expert, is in your corner. If you have questions about your Car Insurance or would like us to review your policy to ensure you are adequately covered, please email Kristi or call her at 678-906-2008 ext. 1209.