A Message Regarding COVID-19 and Insurance Policies

insurance and the coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing massive disruptions to our economy. The forced closings, mass layoffs, and disruptions have led to a severe strain on businesses. In response, insurance companies in Georgia are offering options to avoid discontinuing of insurance policies.

It is imperative to exiting this economic disruption that insurance policies avoid cancellation. Some states have enacted a directive to prevent insurance companies from cancelling policies. However, if you are not proactive, once the directive is lifted, you will have issues with your billing while you are trying to focus on re-starting your operations.

Please note that we cannot negotiate a waiver or a delay of payments with the insurance company on your behalf. However, we can provide you the information you need to have that direct conversation with the appropriate billing department.

Contact our office if you would like to discuss any of the following options:

  • You need the phone number or website for the billing department to make direct contact with the insurance company or premium finance company.
  • If you would like to switch your workers compensation policy to a payroll reporting payment option.
    • Payroll reporting is when you pay premiums on each payroll cycle.  If you have no payroll, you may not have a premium payment.
    • You can do payroll reporting even if you have a third-party payroll provider.
  • If you would like to discuss adjusting the revenue or payroll information on your general liability or workers compensation policy.
  • If you have “parked vehicles” until operations continue again.
    • Parked vehicles would have keys collected by employees and not used for any reason during the shutdown.
  • If you have modified your operations to provide a new service or product.

Please note that insurance companies in Georgia are legally held to filed rates. We would work with our Underwriters to develop a creative solution to provide some relief where appropriate.

If you have questions or would like to request a phone call, email Peter Moon at pmoon@twgins.net and he will be in touch with you soon.