Learn How Your Mod Rating Can Help You Save on Workers’ Compensation Premiums

Many business owners see Workers’ Compensation Insurance as a necessary cost of doing business, or a tax, and nothing more. Some business owners don’t recognize the competitive advantage available to them by working proactively to reduce their Workers’ Compensation premiums and the costs of losses.

The Whitlock Group helps clients understand their Workers’ Compensation Mod Rating and provides them with ways to significantly save on their Workers’ Compensation premiums. By using loss history information, and Proprietary Analytics, we work together to create a targeted loss control program to decrease total costs.

Discover Cost Drivers
We expose problem areas and understand the full impact of the Mod. We examine loss trends to better understand why your losses happen and how to prevent them by asking questions such as:

  • Do you know why your Workers’ Compensation premiums went up or down in the past few years?
  • Do you know how much you could potentially be saving on your premiums by targeting your company’s cost drivers with loss control actions?

From there, we can help you explore and act on opportunities for improvement.

Control Your Costs
By refining our focus, we can develop powerful, customized loss control solutions. We make the most of strategic cost-saving opportunities to improve your Workers’ Compensation program and decrease your costs by:

  • Helping you understand what the Mod is, how your loss history affects the Mod and how the Mod impacts your bottom line;
  • Identifying and analyzing problem areas;
  • Developing targeted solutions to improve problem areas and reduce premium and claims costs;
  • Making the Mod part of your total risk management strategy.

Stay Ahead of Your Losses
Mod Analysis can better prepare you for the future by increasing the accuracy of your cost allocation and risk management decisions. You’ll know what to expect by forecasting for future concerns, like changes in payroll or loss trends.

Learn how your Mod Rating can help you save on workers’ compensation premiums!

Let The Whitlock Group perform a complimentary Mod Analysis and Consultation for your business to show you the difference it can make for your company’s bottom line.  Please contact Greg Whitlock for Worker’s compensation insurance today at:

The Whitlock Group
3300 Breckinridge Blvd., Suite 200
Duluth, GA  30096
Phone:  678-906-2008
Fax:  877-906-2012